联系人:郑丽娟 (女士)
公司地址:浙江 磐安县 安文工业园区根溪二路8号
浙江省 磐安县奥奇电子厂是一家有雄厚技术实力的科技型企业,从事,家用干衣机、汽车车载冰箱、电热饭盒、电热水杯的设计开发、生产和销售。 我厂严格按照 ISO9001-2000 质量体系进行规范管理。凭着精确的产品开发,敏锐的市场洞察,准确的市场定位和良好的销售服务,多年来,本公司产品受到广大客户的一致好评。磐安县奥奇电子厂已有很好的销售网络, 80% 产品出口,并远销欧美、中东、东南亚等国家和地区。 用心服务,以质量求生存,销售优质产品的同时提供的服务,以确保客户的满意,使我们的企业持续发展。我们真诚欢迎您的惠顾,期待与您携手共进 !
Zhejiang Pan'an Aoqi Electronic Factory is located in Pan'an County. Pan'an County is known as "zone othe model f the national ecosystem" and environmental sustainability. Our high tech facilities strictly adhere to the ISO9001-2000 quality control system. We proudly provide customers who demand only the highest standards of manufacturing, research & development with parking sensor systems, HID Lights, Car Parking Indicators, Ultrasonic Range Finders, a